Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Assalamualaikum...
This so called my 1st entry with regards to the most valuable gift from Allah... Our lil heartbeat in my tummy is on the journey to week 15th... Finally went through the 1st trimester... We made it lil baby... Somehow we still need to take an extra care just like our 1st trimester...
People say I am good in expressing my feelings to put it into words... Am I? But, not this time... I think! It's superbly hard to put into words on how I felt...
How to start? Mane nak mula? Can I just say it seemed a miracle. Where through out the 2 years marriage journey you kept counting days, and all of sudden came to the month where you didn't bother at all. At that particular moment, you've been blessed with the 'gift'?. We both sangat2 surprise.
August 2012. Our concentration were to fully utilised the Ramadhan. 2nd, counting days for my sister in law to deliver my 1st nephew towards end of August. Some more, no doctor's follow up during fasting month. Lagi la memang tak kira hari period ke ape. :P... Anyhow, we noticed 1 valuable thing during this Ramadhan... Adif mengaji everyday... Siap bace dengan terjemahan
Al-Quran... Whilst me kadang2 mengaji, kadang2 lagi suke dengar Adif
mengaji & bacekan tafsirnye skali. Towards end last 2 weeks of
Ramadhan if I can recall, Adif bace tafsir most of the story pasal
zuriat... Benih... Percantuman... Adam & Hawa... Asal usul kejadian
manusia... Bagaimana terciptanye zuriat... At 1 point he turned to me
then he asked, "sedar tak dalam bulan Ramadhan nie tafsir yg saye bace mostly bkaitan
anak?"... I replied him "dah lama perasan... tapi ingat I sorang je yg
noticed..."... we both smile to each other... Mase doctor check last
mestrual period, waktu subur, EDD sume tue, came to a result the
conception took place dalam 10 Ramadhan yg terakhir... Subhanallah... Those tafsir, actually a sign from Him... Can I take it as that?...
Hhhhmm... 30th August, 5 of us turun JB... Knowing my sister in law dah pon admitted to deliver her son... Alhamdulillah, 31st August 2012 at 8.30pm, Aisy Hafiyy bin Muaz Zuhair was safely delivered to this beautiful world... On 2nd Sept, we drove back to KL...
Sampai KD baru noticed, I've delayed for 3 days... Punye lah excited sambut anak buah kan? Didn't realize at all dah delay... Well, I have no sense at all... 3rd Sept, both of us cuti... Nak rehat... But, thinking of next day pegi keje naik motor with adif, so I decided to check... Lucky memang I keep 1 spare pregnancy test... Stock lama kot... hihihihi... He slept when I was checking on it... And it appears like....
3.9.12 : 1st UPT |
Cepat-cepat woke him up... Asked him whether what he can see from it... He said he saw the double line... Dia pon mamai... Dia tenung I punye lah lama... Then I said to him, I don't believe this... Terus dia tanye, bile beli tester tue? I replied, thats why I didn't believe the result... Coz I cant really recalled when I bought the tester... So, we both macam expect benda tue dah lama so tak boleh rely sangat on the result... On that particular night, he went out to pharmacy and buy a bit expensive tester la... To do the re-test tomorrow morning since the accuracy is better in the first urine in the morning...
So, the next morning I repeat the test... I had nothing in my mind... Tak tahu kenapa this time macam tak de rase nervous just like before bile delay period and do the test... Maybe sebab went through few negative results kot... and some more baru lepas operation... Tak expect pon akan concieve... Sbb doctor kate it takes about 6 months utk fully recover all the internal function... So, seriously no hope! End up it happend where the result goes...
4.9.12: @nd UPT *tak berapa nak clear sbb flash :(* |
Yang keluar dari mulut mase tue, Alhamdulillah je... Mandi cepat2 sebab nak gi keje ngan ibu... Now on kena la naik kereta... Tunjuk kat adif the result, he was speechless... Terus pesan suruh I call doctor utk buat appointment esok nye... So, kat office terus call DEMC utk buat appointment... Tak dapat bayangkan ape reaksi doktor yg selama nie struggle utk carik ape yg tak kena ngan kitorg... After 7 months monitoring and everything seems so so good & very well on track... Ape nak cakap kat doktor? Camne nak intro? Dah tak fikir sangat pasal the positive result... Tapi dok fikir camne nak intro ngan doctor esok nie... ehehe... Adif's still blur blur and rase tak percaya... I told him to wait until doctor's confirmation, then only we can trust the tests... (^^,) so both of us pon mmg relax je la... Managed to set the appointment...
The next day,both of us amik cuti lagi... Went to DEMC... Reached DEMC, and this time baru lah rase nervous... takot... seram sejuk... semua ada... mase nak operate dulu pon tak rase takot camni... uhuhu... We're the 3rd patient that morning... Called up the number, I looked at adif... He immediately said, dia tak nak masuk... Well, understood his feelings... Dun wanna push him to witness the doctor's result... Dalam this part I can say I lagi berani compared to him... Weee... Forced to be berani, I can say... Ape pon result nye, semua ketentuan Allah... We've been tested almost 2 years... Kekuatan tue dah ade...
Masuk je bilik doctor, seperti biase... Doctor akan senyuuuuuummm je... Haih la... He helped me out a lot! Giving the courage... Yakinkan myself... To keep me calm... He did his best... Tak pernah lekang pesan doa & ingat Tuhan... When I sat on the chair, 1st question seperti selalu "Nurul, period lagi?"... Ppphheeww... lucky he starts first! Then I said " tak, doctor. Delay for 5 days already.. erm..."... He asked further "have u test? what was the result?"... I replied him " yes, doctor. I did twice. Both were positive."... Mase tue rase sangat2 nak berjurai air mata nie... He smiled... "I wont proceed with the urine test again. It will cost u on the bill nanti... so, we rely on the test u've done... to confirm, we will proceed with scanning your tummy & to ensure kedudukan dia betol dalam rahim u." After settled with scan, here it is:-
4.5 weeks : the little black dot in the middle of the white background. it is the baby's sack. mase ni tak nampak baby lagi (^^,) |
and doctor menghela nafas yg sgt lah panjang, straightly said " Alhamdulillah... finally... I confirm you are pregnant 4 weeks and a half via scan & urine test. Semoga selamat semuanya Nurul... You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of the baby"... Dia yg nampak lega... ehehehe... Tersangat ingat every single details on what he said... Because it was such a precious moment of my life... Nurse doktor yg selama nie pon ikot monitor perkembangan both of us for these 7 months pon looked so happy... Doctor provide me with this photo suruh balik tunjuk kan hubby... Padahal hubby ade je kat luar... Tak berani nak masuk... ehehe...
Doctor provides me folic acid & ubat utk kuatkan rahim since he said I just went through the surgery and takot it affects baby's nutrition support... few blood tests before pon nampak my stress hormon sedikit tinggi... so, doctor bagi ubat to counter it back... need to consume the medicine for the entire 1st trimester...
Keluar je from doctor's room, I looked at adif and I saw a big question mark on his face. Show him the photo and explain everything. He was sooo happy. Alhamdulillah... Syukur...
I am now towards the 4th month of my pregnancy... Tak putus berdoa semoga Allah melindungi anugerah dalam kandungan ni... Pelihara kami dari segala bahaya, kezaliman & kesusahan... Whilst Adif jage me & baby so well... I can say I am proud of him... Betol kate org, bile susah nak dapat, kite lebih menghargai... Betapa terasa diri sangat dijaga... Ade org kate jgn dimanjekan sgt... But, he doesn't care... He once said "diorg anak dah ramai... senang nak dapat... boleh la cakap macam2... kite tunggu almost 2 years... tak salah pon nak manjekan... bukan manjekan pon, tp nak kena jage betol2..." I know he loves his lil heartbeat so much... Just like I did... Takpe sayang, I doakan Allah sentiasa bagi kekuatan kat sayang utk tahan ape je org nak cakap k... At the same time I'll do my best to take care of our lil one...
Dear lil heartbeat, ayah&ibu doakan kamu selesa di dalam sane... Sihat sentiasa... membesar dgn sempurna... Hold onto ibu tighly, okay... Hang in there... We will meet eye to eye in 1 fine day... InsyaAllah... we pray together... stay healthy okay... ayah&ibu love you...
*Banyak lagi gambar & video... bukan tak nak share... but, let me keep it to ourselves only... share sikit2 je ok kan... (^^,)... How I wish to share the video, tapi... tak pe lah... baby tak leh dapat exposure to public awal2 sgt... ehehehe...